Halloween was super fun this year. I made all of our costumes except Chase did most of his. Kael was a dinosaur, me and Claire were witches and Chase was the Koolaid man. I don't have a picture of all of us yet but I'll get one. Kael loved getting candy and Claire loved eating it.

Claire got a nice black eye. She fell off my mom's bed and hit her cheek bone just right. Everytime I looked at her I just felt so guilty. Poor thing.

Kael loves to dress up in uncle Hunter's boxing gear!! (i swear it wasn't Kael who gave her the black eye)

Big Boy Turned '3'!!!

Thanksgiving was at my mom's this year! We had my dad's family come down from Vegas this year so that the family in Texas could come and have it not be as far as a drive. Kael had fun with all the boys and Claire loved eating. haha

The weather has been so nice that we have been spending a lot of time in our backyard on our ghetto swing set that still needs to be fixed.

That was basically our October and November. My sister came home from her mission at the end of October but I don't have many pictures to put up here. Most are just everyone giving her hugs and crying haha. We are so glad to have her home! Bring it on December!!