Geez it's been long. I'm not doing so good with my updates. I'm way behind. I've been trying to play catch up on all my picture books and it's putting me behind on my current stuff. I haven't been taking many pictures recently because my wonderful daughter broke my favorite lens. It's only an excuse but you know. Anyways here's some of my fav pics from my phone that I took recently.
Claire wanted me to trim her nails for her. If she had it her way we would paint and trim our nails everyday. I'm excited to take her to a nail salon when she's older to get a pedicure for the first time. That's a long way away but still fun to think about. Anyway, when I was done with her nails she said, "your turn mom!!" So she pretended to trim my nails for me. Such a sweetie.
We took a trip up to the snow again this year. I wish we had more time to go up. If we had it my way we would go every other weekend till the snow was gone. But alas, time is short and we don't have the time to do that.
Claire loves to clean. She definitly doesn't get that from me. But regardless it's super cute that she gets excited about cleaning. We were preparing dinner in the kitchen the other day and she drug Kael's chair from his room into the kitchen plopped in front of our garbage can and proceeded to clean it with a scrubby. Can't wait till she's older and can actually clean more.
Kael is still obsessed with tv and video games. He plays without end over at my moms house cause at home he is extremely limited with electronic time. I'm a mean mom I know but get over it. :)
I chopped my hair off recently. Not really what I wanted to do, but I needed it bad. My hair was so damaged and gross. At least now when it grows out it will be better.
Chase is weird as always. That's why I love him. We found this awesome treasure when we went shopping for a new snow coat for me. I found a coat and he found this..... what more can I say, right?
I love this picture. Kael is such a cute kid. He wants to be like his daddy so much. Chase has been practicing with his bow hunting in the backyard. I strongly disapprove of the kids being in the backyard when he is doing that stuff but this happened without me knowing until he text me this picture. Turd. Anyways, Chase let Kael practice shooting deers with him. Such a cutie. I don't know if he is really going to like hunting when he is older cause he loves animals so much. He is like me in that aspect. You can't kill unless you eat it. That's my rule. We will see if he has the heart to really shoot a deer when he's older.
Well I think I'm ok to share now. I'm pregnant again. I am 13 weeks now and I've had lots of appointments and three ultrasounds since Christmas. (the day I found out I was pregnant again) I'm not entering my fourth month/second trimester and my risk of miscarriage is really low so I feel ok telling ppl now. I had some scares in the beginning but seems like things are going good and the way they are suppose to. I had some bleeding in the beginning and we were worried I was miscarrying again. They still don't know what caused the bleeding but I'm fine and so is the baby. Then I lost all my pregnancy symptoms. I switched prenatal vitamins so they think that is why. We did another ultrasound to make sure and things were fine. Then at my last appt my doctor just wanted to do another ultrasound more as a peace of mind to make sure things were still going well. Things are good so I'm excited to move forward now. We are not going to find out what the baby's sex is this time. We figured we have one of each and it would be fun to have it be a surprise. Well at least I thought it would be fun. Chase wants to know but he's come to terms with not knowing. I'm due September 4th. Hopefully it will go fast.
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