Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Busy June...

So Claire was hanging out under my feet while I was balancing the checkbook on the computer. Well she was happy and was leaving me alone, So I didn't really bother to look down at her, Until..... she touched my leg and she was really wet with slobber. I looked at her face and... what do you know? She found some chocolate and was is hog heaven to be left alone. I know she was happy because she wasn't bugging me. She was probably thinking to herself, 'I better be quite while I eat this delicious piece of heaven or she'll take it away.' Ha, ha. So gross but what can you do. At least it wasn't a bug or POOP.

Kael is starting to discover that having a sister might be kind of fun. I have been updating my bathroom, all by myself I might add, and they were giggling in the hall. So I peeked out and Kael had her in his wagon bus. So cute! She loves him to pieces but he's getting there.

Larson Reunion
We had our Larson reunion. We haven't gotten to go for the last two years so I was excited to go this year. It's always so fun. Mostly for the kids but I love watching them play and get dirty, (and not whine at me). he he. Claire was good until the last day. I think she was ready for her warm bed. We went fishing but didn't catch anything this year. Kael had fun though.

Trying to be quiet while dad tries to catch a fish. He almost add one four times but it kept getting away.
Father's Day at the reunion. My two handsome boys.
Claire L-O-V-E loves watermelon. She just bites and sucks the heck out of the thing. She seriously throws a tantrum if you take it away. I tried to just giver her a piece of mine. She looked at my hand, looked at me, then looked back at my hand and cried. She wanted the whole thing. Lil' brat.

So our crop this year was quite disappointing. I told Chase I didn't have a green thumb but we decided we would try anyway. Well we had five plots along our back wall. Lets just say this year was a really BIG learning year. We are going to try again next year and hopefully it will turn out better.

This was the first plot. We planted radish, lettuce, and snow peas. The radish did amazing but was really fast. And I don't like radish and I thought Chase did too but he didn't. So we gave them all away. Haha. The lettuce got devoured by the birds. They just wouldn't leave my garden alone. So I decided we need a cat or dog or something to keep them away. Haha. Not going to happen but I seriously considered it. We got to eat a little bit but I waited too long to pick the heads and bolted. The snow peas were delicious but short lived because it's now too hot for them so they are dead now.
Yummy peas
The second box started out as four difference squash and melon. There was yellow squash, zuccini, watermelon, and cantelope. But everything that grew got pecked by the birds. So nothing survived. So Chase we and got Poblano pepper plants from Walmart. They were doing really good until he over fertilized them and they burned up. Now they are just sticks in the dirt. ha ha.
One random seed sprouted all by it's onesie, so we'll see if it survives the heat.
This is the third box. It was going to be the spot for our grape vine but decided on a different spot. So I planted pumpkins and watermelons (the small ones). The first batch of pumpkins didn't survive so I planted again, that's when I planted the watermelon. All three plants of my pumpkins are doing awesome!! They are taking over my garden and some of my yard!!! Only one plant of the four watermelon survived the birds.
My small and lonely watermelon plant. It's behind the HUGE pumpkin plant and it just got it's first blossoms a couple days ago so we will see if it even grows anything.

The start of my pumpkins!!

In the fourth box.... Honestly I don't even remember what I started in there. That box was replanted three different times. and the last time I just gave up, and thats when these random seeds sprouted. haha. Luckily in good spots. I think I had poblano seeds in there and tomato seeds and maybe some squash. I can't remember. It's hard to keep track when you RE plant so many different times. FREAKING BIRDS!!! is all I have to say. haha. So I have two small cherry tomato plants and three regular tomato plants that were all started from seeds. They are just now starting to blossom. So if they survive the summer heat they will give me a bunch of winter tomatoes. I had one plant that I got for my birthday and it got a disease. I didn't think it was going to survive but it's getting huge and I have to keep tying it up.

Fourth plot, see the pumpkin plant started to make its way over. ha ha. It is seriously HUGE!
This is the fifth and final plot. I planted corn, carrots, green onions and sunflowers. The birds ate all the seeds. And then when the sunflowers started to sprout they attacked those. A few survived. I have only two corn stalks. I REplanted THREE times and still only ended up with two stalks. I finally figured out by the third time it was the birds stealing my seeds. They stole all my carrot seeds too. my onions didn't do very good. I have a few random one that are just growing where ever. But you see that awesome rope holding up my sunflowers? Yeah I over watered on day, ha ha, forgot it was on, and my sunflowers fell over. So a rope is helping them out. Poor flowers.
First flower to bloom

corn stalk one
Corn stalk two is being hidden by the sunflowers but is has a corn husk on it! Yay!!
These were taken this morning!! My pumpkins are getting huge and almost all of my sunflowers have bloomed!! Yay!!

So my garden was pretty sad this year but I'm ready to start again next year. Those birds may have gotten the best of me this year but they won't be eating my garden next year!! mu ah ha ha.

Nans Swim Days
Becky has swim days for her grandkids before she heads up north for the summer. Kael loved it! Who would love cooling off with all 30 of your cousins?! Ha ha. It was super busy with all the munchkins running around but it was so fun as always.

Claire newest thing. She likes to be upside-down. So she sticks her butt in the air and tries to look between her legs. So is seriously such a goofy little girl.
Claire's First Piggies
Claire's hair is finally long enough for me to put piggies in her hair. Doesn't she look so big?
She is Eight months old now. I just can't believe she is that old already. It feels like just yesterday that we were bringing her home and I was thinking to myself, how the heck am I going to take care of TWO kids? Guess I managed. haha. I'm feeling pretty confident. I think I'm almost ready for 3. Ha ha. ALMOST. (no way)

My kids look like this on a daily basis. Kael with a filthy face and half dressed and Claire just happy to be by her brother.
I love being these kiddos mom. Kael is in the middle of potty training and he does okay most days. He has accidents but mostly if I'm not staying on top of it. He is likes Claire on most days. His favorite color is green and he loves to be outside, even when its hot. He is just a busy kid and loves being around other kids. He still loves his blankie and still loves to cuddle. Claire is crawling like a champ all over the house following me around. Her favorite person is her brother and mommy is a close second. She is now trying to walk. She pulls herself up and thinks she is hot stuff. She can eat more than her brother any day. She loves to be in the middle of everything her brother is doing and everyone else for that matter. She is into everything. She is spoiled rotten and seriously sassy. Seriously. But we still love her.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lake, Hello's and Goodbye's, Treats and Just Being Busy, Busy

We had lots of sickies at our house this year. First it was lots of breathing treatments then when we thought that was over we got the flu. And that lingered for months as well. I'm afraid to say it but I think we are FINALLY sickies free. (we'll see) Kael didn't mind his treatments so much, ha ha. He got to watch lots of movies. Claire would tolerate it then get mad towards the end. She is not a good sick kid. She is seriously a snot when she doesn't feel good. ha ha.

For Easter we didn't do anything big. Just had our annual Rogers' picnic. Kael had lots of fun in the water.

For Mother's Day we got to talk to Tori on Skype. It was so fun!! She is doing so good. Write her letters, she would love to her from you.

Claire has been loving eating big girl food. This little chunker is going to gain some lbs fast with how much she loves food. And don't you dare try to take it away or she will throw the biggest hissy fit. ha ha

We've made some lake trips this summer already. The water still has a little bite to it but we still have fun. Kael actually was brave enough to try some stuff this year. He just cried last year everytime we put him in the water. The tube is his favorite.

Claire mostly just soaked up the sun the first few times. And this last time all four of us got out on the knee boards. I don't have that picture yet. I was surprised she didn't scream.

I love this picture. I shows Claire's attitude perfectly towards having a life vest on. She was not thrilled, can you tell?
Mitchell had his farwell.
The house was filled and the yard was filled with family and friends. We had some family stay for a week. It was so fun to see everyone.

Aunt Melanie and Claire
She was naughty and gave Claire her first sweets. She was feeding her chocolate and cookies. Ha ha. Needless to say she was Claire's favorite after that.

Braiden, Jace and Kael being the presidency when Mitchell got set apart.
Ha ha such handsome boys
Claire's latest.
It's her favorite thing to stand and pretend she can walk like all the other kids

Nans and Kael.
This is a typical Kael face. The fine, I'll tolerate you hugging me for a picture, look.

Kael loves his uncle Mitchell, he wants to be just like him.
Mitchell was nice enough to share his drink with Kael.
When we took Mitchell to the airport, we were lucky enough to get to see him actually get on the airplane. Kael cried when it left and he said Where's Mitchell? I told him he left to go on his mission. He cried and said he wanted to go on a mission too. ha ha. I said ok when you get bigger you can go an a mission too. He was satisfied with that answer and said ok and stopped crying.
Kael enjoying his 'potty treat' I'm TRYING to potty train Kael. It's not going so well. He will go potty on the toilet if he is naked, but if he has any clothes on he just goes. It's going to be a long slow process. Hopefully we can get it before he turns three. ha ha.

Well that's the latest with us. Just trying to enjoy our summer, we have a super busy one ahead of us. Almost every weekend we have something going on. Hopefully I wont wait till the last month to try and update. ha ha.